But of course, players were driving it. People organized zombie raids on different cities with the intent to cause maximum devastation. The game gave them the tools and they took full advantage.
With all of these abilities, zombies were fierce foes that grew in power the more zombies they lurched around with. Even a small pack of them -- all debuffing you, snaring you, healing each other, and exploding when threatened with "true death" -- was difficult to escape.
Being a zombie was enormous fun. The abilities gave the experience a lot of depth and strategy. Organized packs could take over capital cities. When you became a zombie, you could use Shattrath's portals to port to any city, even those of your opposing faction. And so we did, in droves.
Fighting them was fun too, if you had a commensurate force of uninfected players. With so much stacked against them, however, players and NPCs couldn't fully stem the tide. Cities fell one by one. Lone survivors looked out from their hiding spots in dark alleys and doorways and saw nothing but deserted streets, the bones of the dead, and roving packs of the reanimated. The economy ground to a standstill as auction houses became charnel houses. Players fled to the countryside in droves.
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