Ich habe an einem Baum Generator für .net gearbeitet das aber nach meiner Meinung nach noch sehr schlecht ist, deswegen 0.1. Erstellen kann man den Baum so (Schaue auf Code).
CreateTree(SceneManager smgr,VideoDriver driver,int BranchHeightLimiter,int BranchNumberIn3Site, string BranchTexturPath,string BranchMeshPath,string TreeTexturPath,string TreeMeshPath,Vector3D v3d)
Den Ast und den Baum stamm muss man mit 3ds Max erstellen. was aber nicht schwer sein sollte. den rest erledigt die Methode. Ich arbeite gerade an einem Generator mit Billboards allerdings braucht das noch zeit.
Hier ein Screenshot.
Auf unserer Website kann man die ausführbare Datei und den Source code runter laden.Und hier natürlich der Code. Ach ja ich möchte mich dort für mein schlechtes englisch entschuldigen aber ich war in eile : D
Danke euch beiden für den nachträglichen hinweis
Code stück steht unter der WTFPL zur verfügungCode:
#region CreateTree
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="smgr"></param>
/// <param name="driver"></param>
/// <param name="BranchHeightLimiter">Branch generate on this height</param>
/// <param name="BranchNumberIn3Site"></param>
/// <param name="BranchTexturPath">Set 0 on string for the Default texture</param>
/// <param name="BranchMeshPath">Path of the Branch Mesh</param>
/// <param name="TreeTexturPath">Set 0 on string for the Default texture</param>
/// <param name="TreeMeshPath"></param>
/// <param name="v3d"></param>
public void CreateTree(SceneManager smgr,VideoDriver driver,int BranchHeightLimiter,int BranchNumberIn3Site, string BranchTexturPath,string BranchMeshPath,string TreeTexturPath,string TreeMeshPath,Vector3D v3d)
AnimatedMesh TreeMesh = smgr.GetMesh(TreeMeshPath);
AnimatedMeshSceneNode TreeMeshNode = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(TreeMesh);
TreeMeshNode.Position = v3d;
if (TreeMeshNode != null)
TreeMeshNode.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
if (TreeTexturPath == "0")
TreeMeshNode.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture(TreeTexturPath));
//= BranchHeightLimiter;
int DefaultBranchHeightLimiter = BranchHeightLimiter;
int DefaultBranchHeightLimiter2 = BranchHeightLimiter;
bool HeightControler = false;
bool HeightControler2 = false;
bool HeightControler3 = false;
for (int empty1 = 0; empty1 <= BranchNumberIn3Site; empty1++)
AnimatedMesh BranchMesh = smgr.GetMesh(BranchMeshPath);
AnimatedMeshSceneNode BranchMeshNode = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(BranchMesh);
BranchMeshNode.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
if (BranchTexturPath == "0")
BranchMeshNode.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture(BranchTexturPath));
BranchMeshNode.Position = v3d;
Random ran = new Random();
int nRand = ran.Next(10, 360);
Vector3D v = BranchMeshNode.Position;
v.Y = BranchHeightLimiter;
BranchMeshNode.Position = v;
Vector3D vR = BranchMeshNode.Rotation;
BranchMeshNode.Rotation = vR;
if (HeightControler == true)
BranchHeightLimiter += 49;
HeightControler = false;
if (HeightControler == false)
BranchHeightLimiter -= 29;
HeightControler = true;
for (int empty1 = 0; empty1 <= BranchNumberIn3Site; empty1++)
AnimatedMesh BranchMesh = smgr.GetMesh(BranchMeshPath);
AnimatedMeshSceneNode BranchMeshNode = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(BranchMesh);
BranchMeshNode.Rotation = new Vector3D(0, -120, 0);
BranchMeshNode.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
if (BranchTexturPath == "0")
BranchMeshNode.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture(BranchTexturPath));
BranchMeshNode.Position = v3d;
Random ran = new Random();
int nRand = ran.Next(10, 360);
Vector3D v = BranchMeshNode.Position;
v.Y = DefaultBranchHeightLimiter;
BranchMeshNode.Position = v;
Vector3D vR = BranchMeshNode.Rotation;
BranchMeshNode.Rotation = vR;
if (HeightControler2 == true)
DefaultBranchHeightLimiter +=45;
HeightControler2 = false;
if (HeightControler2 == false)
DefaultBranchHeightLimiter -= 25;
HeightControler2 = true;
for (int empty1 = 0; empty1 <= BranchNumberIn3Site; empty1++)
AnimatedMesh BranchMesh = smgr.GetMesh(BranchMeshPath);
AnimatedMeshSceneNode BranchMeshNode = smgr.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(BranchMesh);
BranchMeshNode.Rotation = new Vector3D(0, -240, 0);
BranchMeshNode.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.Lighting, false);
if (BranchTexturPath == "0")
BranchMeshNode.SetMaterialTexture(0, driver.GetTexture(BranchTexturPath));
BranchMeshNode.Position = v3d;
Random ran = new Random();
int nRand = ran.Next(10, 360);
Vector3D v = BranchMeshNode.Position;
v.Y = DefaultBranchHeightLimiter2;
BranchMeshNode.Position = v;
Vector3D vR = BranchMeshNode.Rotation;
BranchMeshNode.Rotation = vR;
if (HeightControler3 == true)
DefaultBranchHeightLimiter2 += 45;
HeightControler3 = false;
if (HeightControler3 == false)
DefaultBranchHeightLimiter2 -= 25;
HeightControler3 = true;
#endregion CreateRandomTree